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  3. COVID-19 - Macqwerty Update

COVID-19 - Macqwerty Update

Date 2020-03-02 02:22:56
As the world faces the unprecedented global pandemic declared by COVID-19, Macqwerty aims to ensure the continuity of our services and maintain the highest standards of service that you chose us for. We want to transparently share the actions Macqwerty has taken while communicating with our valued customers and partners.

Being a company that offers global services with a diverse customer base spanning over 17 countries, Macqwerty is working diligently to ensure seamless operations.

These measures reflect the utmost importance we place on the health and safety of Macqwerty employees, as well as the commitment to consistently provide excellent service to our customers and partners.

Specifically, Macqwerty has taken the following actions over the past few days:

Separated teams responsible for critical functions to ensure business continuity in extreme situations.
Urged all employees to stay at their residences where possible.
Utilized geographically dispersed physical locations for contingency operations.
Suspended all business travel.
Conducted all third-party meetings through web channels.
Adhered to the most cautious hygiene measures.
Despite rigorously implementing the above measures, considering the deepening unknown nature of the global situation, Macqwerty will remain vigilant and monitor the current status to strengthen these measures as needed.
In these unfortunate circumstances, Macqwerty urges all our valued customers and partners to follow necessary hygiene and residential movement restrictions to protect their health and that of their families, and to prevent the spread of the disease.

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