Bond Disclosure Bulletin Board

  1. Macqwerty
  2. Bond Disclosure Bulletin Board
  3. [Notice] Bond Price Range Guidelines

[Notice] Bond Price Range Guidelines

Date 2014-09-01 02:19:21
[Bond Price Range Guidelines]

Objective: The primary purpose of these guidelines is to standardize the price range for bonds being sold, ensuring clarity and consistency in our pricing strategy.

Price Range Basis: For each bond being sold, the price range will be determined on a per-point basis.

Price Point Value: Each point within the bond's price range will represent a value of $100. This signifies that a 1-point difference equates to a $100 price difference.

Example: If a bond has a 5-point range, the total price range would be $500 ($100 x 5 points).

Setting the Range:

a. Identify the base or starting price of the bond.

b. Determine the desired range in points.

c. Multiply the number of points by $100 to get the total price range.

d. Subsequently, the bond can be priced anywhere within this determined range.

Adjustments: To maintain the integrity of the point-based system, adjustments to the bond price should always be made in multiples of $100.

Review and Compliance: It is crucial to regularly review and adhere to these guidelines to maintain transparency and consistency in our bond pricing mechanism.